
Using Big Data to Thrive in the Modern World - Big Data for Small Businesses

Oct 2022

The amount of data being produced and consumed daily is growing at an unprecedented rate. Before, big data was used by larger corporations only but now smaller businesses can take advantage of collecting and analyising big data to adjust business strategies. Many smaller businesses are intimidated by the thought of big data, unsure where to even begin with this newer technology. In this blog, we'll discuss how a small, local butcher in London used big data to not only survive in this modern world but thrive - and how you can too.

Pendleton & Son Butchers 

Pendleton & Son is a small local butcher located in north-west London. Established in 1996, they enjoyed regular sales and steady customers along with a good reputation for many years. When the local library closed down and a supermarket chain moved into the area, the small butcher shop was affected heavily by the drop in regular footfall.

The Pendletons knew they had quality products, but didn't know how to convey this message to their target audience.

So What Did They Do?

They installed sensors within the shop windows, tracking footfall. This tracked the foot traffic in front of the store, along with how many people stopped to read the displays, and how many entered the store. Using this data along with stock and revenue data, the Pendletons discovered which of their marketing efforts displayed in their shop windows were most effective, highlighting what they should focus on. 

Optimising Marketing Based on Data 

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Using the data taken from the sensors, the Pendletons noticed offering meal ideas on the shop windows and advertising the recipes inside the establishment was extremely effective in catching the customers' attention and drawing them in. 

Not only this, but the Butchers discovered brand new opportunities with the local pubs' customers. Data displayed footfall peaking around 9 pm to midnight - leading Pendleton & Son to trial late-night openings, offering products researched with Google Trends to the pubs' patrons. This not only increased revenue but increased their reach to an entirely new demographic. These new happy customers would then return and become regulars to the establishment.  

How does this apply to your B2B business?

laptop rocketAs different as your business might be to this local London butcher, the technique used is universal. Take a look at your Marketing Automation data - what marketing strategies resonate with your clients or business opportunities? What content perhaps doesn't do as well? 

If you have an effective CRM connected to your Marketing Automation software, you can analyse the clients most responsive to your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Along with this, the Pendletons experience credits the use of informed inbound marketing  using data analysis. Offering customers valuable content related to your industry to educate them and build trust is a  fundamental part of inbound marketing.

This is how the Pendletons managed to stay afloat and not only survive but THRIVE in the modern world using data to inform their marketing tactics.

If you'd like to know more about inbound marketing and why it is important for your business, check out our blog! Discover how to adapt to the new era of the empowered buyer.