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Simplifying your B2B Website for Improved User Experience

 14th Dec 2022

Keep your Website Simple By Using:

White space - Use a plain white or pale background to provide the most contrast as possible. Leave spaces of white on the boarders or padding between the content. Leaving white space can give the user a chance to ‘breathe’ between content and can help users understand what to focus on. CTA’s stand out more when white space is provided, also.

Bold colours - Using bold colours sparingly can create a sleek and sophisticated look for your website. However, it's important to keep in mind that the overall design of your site is as important as the individual elements on your page. Keep your colour palette simple by limiting yourself to two or three bold colours and use these as accents throughout your site. This can be used for imagery, important information, or call-to-action buttons such as menu items, icons, and subscription buttons.

Typography - Use simple fonts such as Sans with large and bold font weights to convey importance to information, and help it stand-out. Maximise impact of CTAs using varying font weight and styles.

Sign-posting - It can become easy to overcomplicate your website, especially if you have a lot of content. One way to avoid this is by using sign posting—a CTA or visual button that brings segmented portions of the users to a separate page destination. This technique is great for creating a more streamlined experience that doesn’t overwhelm the visitor with too many options.

CTA’s - Keep your CTAs limited and short - typically we’d recommend 2-3 per page, to keep the audience focused on the content and to limit the paths they can each take.

The purpose of CTAs is to motivate action, so keep it simple and direct, making it as easy as possible for people to act upon it.

Having too many CTAs on a single page can confuse users about where to start and where to go next - you want your user journey to be as clear as possible to your users and yourself. Avoid this issue by making your landing pages clear about where the user should go next.

Mobile - Keeping your website simple for your mobile users is crucial and having a website that can be viewed on all devices is the easiest way to ensure you achieve this. Once you have ensured this, it is important to simplify and make navigation simple for the user. In terms of CTAs, imagery and layout are also crucial to not only optimise but simplify for mobile users.

Keeping your website simple and uncluttered will make it easier for potential customers to find what they are looking for. Using white space and bold colours will help leads see your CTAs clearly, taking them through the desired customer journey. 

A simple and clean website is an investment, but is important to converting your leads. 

In conclusion, keeping your website simple is essential for ensuring a successful online presence. By following the tips provided, you can create a website that is attractive and easy to use, with clear navigation and relevant content. This will help you attract more visitors, while also providing them with the information they need. With a simple website, you can focus on developing your business and delivering a great product or service to your customers.

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Visit our website design page today to learn more about how we can help you create an attractive, user-friendly website that will capture your audience's attention and draw in more customers.