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Listing Downloads 11 to 20 of 40

Intergage CMS Reference - Marketing Consent Channels (104 KB)

Information about marketing consent channel including  add, edit and Consent type

Intergage CMS Reference - Order Manager (94 KB)

Information about the links manager including  view, export and relevant fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Pages (111 KB)

Information about the page manager including  add, edit and SEO fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Permissions (95 KB)

Information about the links manager including  add, edit and permission fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Price Groups (95 KB)

Information about price groups including  add, edit and price display fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Properties (96 KB)

Information about the products propertys including  add, edit and property fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Property Sets (97 KB)

Information about the products property sets including add, edit and property set fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Variations (96 KB)

Information about Product variations including add, edit and product variaiton fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Products (143 KB)

Information about the products manager including  add, edit and product fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Sale Units (94 KB)

Information about sale units including  add, edit and manage filters

E-Commerce Support


Download Listing


Intergage CMS Reference - Order Manager (94 KB)

Information about the links manager including  view, export and relevant fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Price Groups (95 KB)

Information about price groups including  add, edit and price display fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Properties (96 KB)

Information about the products propertys including  add, edit and property fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Property Sets (97 KB)

Information about the products property sets including add, edit and property set fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Product Variations (96 KB)

Information about Product variations including add, edit and product variaiton fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Products (143 KB)

Information about the products manager including  add, edit and product fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Sale Units (94 KB)

Information about sale units including  add, edit and manage filters

Intergage CMS Reference - Shipping Classes (134 KB)

Information about shipping classes including add, edit and shipping class fields

Intergage CMS Reference - Shipping Sets (90 KB)

Information about shipping sets including add, edit and how to filter

Intergage CMS Reference - Stock Types (96 KB)

Information about the stock type including add, edit and filters

Intergage CMS Reference - Vouchers (107 KB)

Information about the voucher manager including add, edit and voucher fields

Events Support


Download Listing


Intergage CMS Reference - Event Type (95 KB)

Information about Event Types such as how to add, edit and view

Intergage CMS Reference - Events (142 KB)

Information about events including how to add, edit and copy.

Intergage CMS Reference - Booking Manager (72 KB)

Information about the booking manager including  add, edit and manage filters

Article Listing

Listing Articles 1 to 10 of 39

Discover the power of pillar pages in enhancing SEO, user experience, and authority on your website. Learn how to create effective pillar pages to boost your online presence.

Imagine you could attract 5x more relevant organic traffic than your current traditional blog posts...

Imagine a world where a page on your site can increase your keyword rankings by 25-50% within 90 days...

This, and more, is all achievable with pillar-based marketing. (Source)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised many aspects of our lives, including content creation. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls that come with using AI for generating content. In this article, we will explore the limitations of AI, the biases in AI-generated content, the importance of fact-checking, and the challenges in maintaining authenticity and originality. Let's dive in!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various industries, and marketing and business are no exceptions. Businesses today are leveraging AI technologies to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer experiences, improve efficiency, and unlock new opportunities.
In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of AI in marketing and business.

Act as/direct to prompts are powerful tools that can enhance the effectiveness of AI-generated content.
In this article, we will explore what act as/direct to prompts are, their purpose, and how they can be used in various scenarios within marketing, sales, and website copy. We will also discuss how act as/direct to prompts can be utilised to improve the quality of generic AI content.

How can AI maximise your marketing potential? 

AI is revolutionising the way we work, and marketing is no exception. We strongly believe AI is the future of this industry, and spending time to learn how to work with AI is a worthwhile investment. 

As a B2B business, it's crucial to optimise your website's images to improve overall performance, user experience and search engine rankings. By decreasing load times and properly optimising your images, you can increase your website's visibility in search engine results and attract more potential business partners or customers. If you're looking to improve your website's performance through image optimization, follow our tips and best practices to achieve optimal results.

To create a successful website, you need to plan and design it carefully to meet the needs of users and achieve business goals. It's also important to regularly maintain the website to keep it running smoothly. This blog will cover the key components of building an effective website and provide guidance on best practices to follow.